Stock market functions

1-trading in securities:

 Where you can sale and purchase shares and bonds and achieve the real price of the sheets and then reviewed by the Committee and recorded in the daily bulletin.
Stock market functions
Stock market functions

2-Capital investment:

Characterize with its flexibility in the securities market and it is possible investment any amounts whatever its size, whatever its duration,
Anyone can invest their money in any shares of a company as well as the opportunity to distribute investments so that the distribution of capital in government bonds in shares to ensure no loss of capital in the event of failure of the project.

3-Direct investment:

when the banks interest rate equal to the revenue generated from securities individuals drawn their deposits from banks and is due for capital market and vice versa in the case of an increase in the interest rate.

4-Encouraging savings and pooling of funds:

The more deal on buying stocks and bonds and attract savings that allow the State to implement a lot of productive projects that benefit all.

5- creating a new capital:

in the case of depositing financial management at banks, they can borrow guaranteed amount to buy new securities and for the interest rate less than interest granted by the stock exchange.